TPA Plan Provision Summary

TPA Actions for Verifying Plan Setup

At the beginning of the conversion’s set up phase, the third-party administrator (TPA) will review and update plan data, to ensure that the plan installation kit accurately reflects plan document provisions.

Providing plan data involves:

1) Ensuring Accuracy: The Plan Provision Summary

Following the introductory call with the implementation coordinator, the TPA will receive an email from American Funds that includes the plan provision summary. This document will identify plan data being transferred from RecordkeeperDirect® and highlight certain default information to be verified.

Using the plan provision summary as a guide, the TPA will make corrections as needed and select new plan features directly on the PartnerLink website as explained below.

2) Securing Plan Features: The TPA Questionnaire

Within five business days of receiving the plan provision summary email, the TPA must complete the TPA questionnaire in the PlanExpress tool on the PartnerLink website.

Using PlanExpress, the TPA can make sure the plan takes advantage of the PlanPremier®-TPA features requested.

The TPA should use the summary document as a reference along with the instructions provided by email.

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