Tax-exempt income dividends

Federally tax-exempt income dividends

Any federally tax-exempt income dividends you received from the funds in 2024 are subject to special state income tax considerations. (These dividends are reported in Box 12 of Form 1099-DIV.)

Alternative minimum tax

The funds listed below paid some federally tax-exempt income dividends in 2024 that were derived from municipal bond interest subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT).


American Funds with federally tax-exempt income dividends included in the AMT calculation

Percent of federally tax-exempt income dividends included in AMT calculation

American Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund®


American Funds Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio


American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York®


American Funds Tax-Exempt Preservation Portfolio


American High-Income Municipal Bond Fund®


Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America®


The Tax-Exempt Fund of California® 



Capital Group exchange-traded funds with federally tax-exempt income dividends included in the AMT calculation

Percent of federally tax-exempt income dividends included in AMT calculation

CGHM — Capital Group Municipal High-Income ETF


CGMU — Capital Group Municipal Income ETF


CGSM — Capital Group Short Duration Municipal Income ETF


The Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America did not pay any federally tax-exempt income dividends derived from municipal bond interest subject to AMT.

You’ll need the amount reported to you in Box 13 of Form 1099-DIV, “Specified private activity bond interest dividends,” to calculate your AMT if that tax applies to you. This amount is a portion of the amount in Box 12. 

The AMT calculation is complex. We recommend you consult your tax advisor.

State taxation of federally tax-exempt income dividends

All or some of your federally tax-exempt income dividends may be taxable in your state or jurisdiction.

In fact, some states, such as California, require that mutual funds report the amount of federally tax-exempt income dividends paid to residents of those states. The states that impose no income tax on federally tax-exempt income dividends are listed below.

If you are an individual taxpayer and the state or jurisdiction where you file an income tax return is not shown below, please refer to the Federally tax-exempt income dividends: State tax exclusion worksheet to determine the portion of federally tax-exempt income dividends that may be excluded for state income tax purposes. (Corporations and other entities in the states listed below may be subject to state income taxation on federally tax-exempt income dividends and may need to complete the Federally tax-exempt income dividends: State tax exclusion worksheet.)


District of Columbia



North Dakota

South Dakota





100% of the municipal bonds held in American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York and The Tax-Exempt Fund of California were municipal bonds exempt from tax in their respective states.

The federally tax-exempt income dividends from these funds may be excluded from state taxable income in their states. For example, if you are a California taxpayer, all of the federally tax-exempt income dividends from The Tax-Exempt Fund of California may be excluded from your California taxable income.

Additionally, federally tax-exempt income dividends from American Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New York may be excluded from taxable income in New York City.

Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.
Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing.
This material does not constitute legal or tax advice. Investors should consult with their legal or tax advisors.
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This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.