Interactive worksheets

Before you get started

Use these interactive worksheets to calculate the amount of the dividend income distributed by the funds you own that may be claimed for possible state tax exclusions and federal foreign tax credits and other deductions. Consider talking to your tax professional for support on your specific situation.

Things to consider

  • To see which tax forms you may receive for your account(s), the information reported on your tax forms and when tax forms are available, review the Tax form schedule
  • You’ll need the total dividends/capital gains the fund earned in your account for the year, which is available on your tax forms or year-end statement. Log in to your account to view and download statements and tax forms.


State and federal tax exclusion information and worksheets

State tax exclusions for U.S. government income worksheet

Review information to help you calculate the portion of a fund's dividends derived from interest on U.S. government obligations that may be excluded from state income tax.

Federally tax-exempt income dividends: State tax exclusion worksheet

Calculate how much of a fund's federally tax-exempt income dividends may be excluded from your state taxable income.

Federally tax-exempt income dividends

Review information regarding alternative minimum tax and state taxation of federally tax-exempt income dividends.

Foreign tax information and worksheets

Foreign tax overview

Review what you may be able to claim as a foreign tax credit or deduction for your shares in a fund.

Foreign income tax worksheet

Calculate the amount of a fund’s foreign income that may be used for foreign tax credit purposes.

Foreign qualified dividend income worksheet

Calculate the amount of a fund’s foreign qualified dividend income that may be used for foreign tax credit purposes.

Corporate and business tax information and worksheets

Additional information for corporate shareholders

Review information corporate shareholders may need when preparing their taxes, including how to determine total ordinary dividends and deductions on corporate dividends.

Business interest income worksheet

Calculate the portion of dividends received that may be treated as business interest income.

Corporate dividends received deduction worksheet

Calculate the portion of dividends received that U.S. corporations may be able to deduct from federal taxable income.

Section 199A dividends

Review funds with Section 199A dividend income and calculate the portion of dividends received that may be eligible for the qualified business income deduction.

Find information on completing transactions and updates by account type

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This material does not constitute legal or tax advice. Investors should consult with their legal or tax advisors.
All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.
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