  • Mutual Funds
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PROSPECTUS tooltip: A legal document that provides a summary of a fund's prospectus. The summary prospectus includes information such as fund investment objectives, strategies, risks, costs, investment results and other information to help investors make an informed decision about investing in a fund.
tooltip: A legal document describing the objectives of a fund, the background of fund managers, and key financial data, such as expenses and investment results. A prospectus is designed to provide investors with the information they need to make an informed decision about investing in a fund.
tooltip: SAI (statement of additional information): contains detailed information about various fund policies; officers, directors and others who manage the fund; investment services; brokerage commissions and tax issues.
REPORT tooltip: A yearly record of a fund's financial status that must be distributed to shareholders under the Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. The report includes a review of the fund's expenses, investment results, key statistics and holdings information.
REPORT tooltip: A six-month record of a fund's financial status that must be distributed to shareholders under the Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. The report includes a review of the fund's expenses, key statistics and holdings information.
N-PX tooltip: Contains the annual proxy voting record of a fund.
American Funds® Global Insight Fund
American Funds® International Vantage Fund
EuroPacific Growth Fund®
The Growth Fund of America®
The New Economy Fund®
New Perspective Fund®
New World Fund®
SMALLCAP World Fund®
Growth & Income
American Funds® Developing World Growth and Income Fund
American Mutual Fund®
Capital World Growth and Income Fund®
Fundamental Investors®
International Growth and Income Fund
The Investment Company of America®
Washington Mutual Investors Fund
Capital Income Builder®
The Income Fund of America®
American Balanced Fund®
American Funds® Global Balanced Fund
American Funds Corporate Bond Fund®
American Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund®
American Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund®
American Funds Mortgage Fund®
American Funds® Multi-Sector Income Fund