  • Mutual Funds
  • Fund Research Tools

FUND NAMECommentary
Quarterly Fund Fact SheetSingle SheetSUMMARY
PROSPECTUS tooltip: A legal document that provides a summary of a fund's prospectus. The summary prospectus includes information such as fund investment objectives, strategies, risks, costs, investment results and other information to help investors make an informed decision about investing in a fund.
PROSPECTUS tooltip: A legal document describing the objectives of a fund, the background of fund managers, and key financial data, such as expenses and investment results. A prospectus is designed to provide investors with the information they need to make an informed decision about investing in a fund.SAI tooltip: SAI (statement of additional information): contains detailed information about various fund policies; officers, directors and others who manage the fund; investment services; brokerage commissions and tax issues.ANNUAL
REPORT tooltip: A yearly record of a fund's financial status that must be distributed to shareholders under the Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. The report includes a review of the fund's expenses, investment results, key statistics and holdings information.
REPORT tooltip: A six-month record of a fund's financial status that must be distributed to shareholders under the Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. The report includes a review of the fund's expenses, key statistics and holdings information.
American Funds® Global Insight FundQAR
American Funds® International Vantage FundQAR
Emerging Markets Growth Fund, Inc.-
EuroPacific Growth Fund®FC
The Growth Fund of America®FC
The New Economy Fund®QAR
New Perspective Fund®QAR
New World Fund®QAR
Growth & Income
American Funds® Developing World Growth and Income FundQAR
American Mutual Fund®QAR
Capital World Growth and Income Fund®QAR
Fundamental Investors®QAR
International Growth and Income FundQAR
The Investment Company of America®QAR
Washington Mutual Investors FundQAR
Capital Income Builder®QAR
The Income Fund of America®QAR
American Balanced Fund®QAR
American Funds® Global Balanced FundFC
American Funds Corporate Bond Fund®QAR
American Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund®QAR
American Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund®QAR
American Funds Mortgage Fund®FC
American Funds® Multi-Sector Income FundQAR
American Funds® Strategic Bond FundQAR
American High-Income Trust®QAR
The Bond Fund of America®QAR
Capital World Bond Fund®QAR
Intermediate Bond Fund of America®FC
Short-Term Bond Fund of America®FC
U.S. Government Securities Fund®FC
Money Market
American Funds® U.S. Government Money Market Fund-
Retirement Income Portfolio Series
American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio — Enhanced-
American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio — Moderate-
American Funds® Retirement Income Portfolio — Conservative-
Retirement Target Date
American Funds® 2065 Target Date Retirement FundQAR
American Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR
American Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement Fund®QAR

Literature Details

Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.

Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing.

All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.

Use of this website is intended for U.S. residents only.

Capital Client Group, Inc.

This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.