Selección fundamental de títulos en deuda corporativa global
A partir de diciembre de 2023, [Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) [Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX)] [Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX)] se clasifica como fondo de artículo 8 en virtud de la normativa europea « Sustainable Finance Disclosure » (SFDR) .
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La información relativa al índice se proporciona únicamente a título ilustrativo y de contexto. El fondo se gestiona de manera activa. Su gestión no está vinculada a un índice de referencia.
Los resultados históricos no son indicativos de los resultados futuros.
Factores de riesgo que han de tenerse en cuenta antes de invertir:
Riesgo de bonos: el valor de los bonos puede cambiar como consecuencia de las variaciones en los tipos de interés. Normalmente, cuando los tipos de interés suben, el valor de los bonos disminuye. Los fondos que invierten en bonos están expuestos al riesgo de crédito. El deterioro de la situación financiera de un emisor puede reducir el valor de sus bonos o hacer que estos pierdan su valor.
Riesgo de contraparte: hay otras instituciones financieras que prestan ciertos servicios al fondo, como la custodia de activos, o que pueden actuar como contraparte en contratos financieros como los derivados. Existe el riesgo de que la contraparte en cuestión no cumpla sus obligaciones.
Riesgo de instrumentos derivados: los derivados son instrumentos financieros cuyo valor se deriva de un activo subyacente y que pueden utilizarse para cubrir exposiciones existentes o para obtener exposición económica. Un instrumento derivado podría no ofrecer los resultados esperados, generar pérdidas superiores al coste del derivado y ocasionar pérdidas al fondo.
Riesgo operativo: riesgo de pérdidas potenciales derivadas de procesos, personas y sistemas internos inadecuados o fallidos o de factores externos.
Riesgo de sostenibilidad: circunstancia o condición de carácter medioambiental, social o de gobierno corporativo que, de producirse, puede provocar un impacto negativo real o potencial sobre el valor de una inversión del fondo.
Sin objetivo de inversión sostenible
Este Fondo promueve características medioambientales o sociales, pero no tiene un objetivo de inversión sostenible. CRMC (el «Asesor de inversiones») se compromete a mantener al menos el 10% de las inversiones del Fondo en empresas que, en opinión del Asesor de inversiones, aborden desafíos sociales y/o medioambientales por medio de sus productos y/o servicios actuales o futuros.
Características medioambientales o sociales del producto financiero
El Fondo promueve características medioambientales y sociales de la inversión en empresas con una intensidad media ponderada de carbono («WACI», por sus siglas en inglés) inferior al Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index con cobertura en dólares (USD), así como de la exclusión de inversiones en emisores según criterios ASG y basados en normas.
Estrategia de inversión
El Fondo trata de mantener una intensidad media ponderada de carbono (WACI) de sus inversiones en emisores corporativos inferior al Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index con cobertura en dólares (USD). La WACI se basa en las emisiones de GEI (ámbito 1 y 2) divididas entre los ingresos de las empresas participadas. En caso de que la WACI del Fondo no sea inferior al nivel del índice mencionado, el Asesor de inversiones considerará qué medidas son las más convenientes para el Fondo, sus Accionistas y conformes al objetivo de inversión correspondiente del Fondo para que el Fondo vuelva a superar el umbral en un período de tiempo razonable.
El Asesor de inversiones identifica determinados emisores o grupos de emisores que excluye de la cartera para promover las características medioambientales o sociales que apoya el Fondo. El Asesor de inversiones evalúa y aplica criterios de selección ASG y basados en normas para realizar exclusiones de emisores corporativos con respecto a determinados sectores, como el tabaco, los combustibles fósiles y las armas, así como a las empresas que infringen los principios del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas (la «Política de selección negativa»).
El Fondo promueve, entre otras, características medioambientales y sociales, siempre que las empresas en las que se invierta sigan prácticas de buena gobernanza. Las prácticas de buena gobernanza se evalúan en el marco del proceso de integración ASG del Asesor de inversiones. Al evaluar las prácticas de buena gobernanza, el Asesor de inversiones tendrá en cuenta, como mínimo, las cuestiones que considere pertinentes para los cuatro pilares prescritos de la buena gobernanza (es decir, las estructuras de buena gestión, las relaciones con los trabajadores, la remuneración del personal y el cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales). Dichas prácticas se evalúan mediante un proceso de seguimiento. En su caso, también se realiza un análisis fundamental de una serie de parámetros de gobernanza que abarcan ámbitos como las prácticas de auditoría, la composición de los consejos de administración y la remuneración de los ejecutivos, entre otros.
La limitación de carbono del Fondo no se aplica a toda la cartera, y únicamente se empleará con los emisores corporativos que dispongan de datos sobre emisiones de carbono (declarados o estimados). La Política de selección negativa de Capital Group se aplicará a toda la cartera, a excepción de liquidez, los equivalentes a liquidez y los fondos del mercado monetario. Los derivados sobre índices que se utilicen con fines de cobertura y/o inversión no se evaluarán con respecto a la transparencia. Por consiguiente, podría haber circunstancias en las que el Fondo pueda obtener exposición indirecta a un emisor incluido en las categorías excluidas (a través de, entre otros, derivados e instrumentos que ofrezcan exposición a un índice). Los derivados uninominales deberán cumplir la Política de selección negativa. El Asesor de inversiones se asegurará de que las garantías recibidas se ajusten a la política.
Proporción de inversiones
La asignación de activos prevista se supervisa continuamente y se evalúa anualmente. Al menos el 90% de las inversiones del Fondo se ajustan a características medioambientales o sociales. Un máximo del 10% de las inversiones del Fondo, incluidas las inversiones no ajustadas a las características medioambientales o sociales promovidas y/o derivados se encuentran en la categoría «n.° 2 Otras». Dentro del 90%, el Fondo tendrá una proporción mínima del 10% de la cartera en inversiones sostenibles con un objetivo medioambiental o social en actividades económicas que no puedan considerarse medioambientalmente sostenibles con arreglo a la taxonomía de la UE.
Seguimiento de las características medioambientales o sociales
Los indicadores de sostenibilidad utilizados por este Fondo para medir la consecución de cada una de las características medioambientales o sociales que promueve son los siguientes:
La WACI es el parámetro que se utiliza para informar de las emisiones de carbono del Fondo. Ayuda a mostrar la huella de carbono de la cartera en comparación con el índice, y se basa en las emisiones de ámbito 1 y 2:
El Asesor de inversiones aplica exclusiones ASG y basadas en normas para adoptar una Política de selección negativa a las inversiones del Fondo. El Fondo supervisará la adhesión por parte de los emisores corporativos a los criterios establecidos en la Política de selección negativa.
El Fondo aplica dos criterios vinculantes en materia ASG: selecciones basadas en sectores y en normas mediante exclusiones, y un objetivo de huella de carbono.
Fuentes y tratamiento de datos
Las exclusiones se determinan principalmente a través de un proveedor externo, MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research («MSCI ESG»). Otros datos son los indicadores de los infractores del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas de MSCI y de la huella de carbono de MSCI.
Limitaciones de los métodos y los datos
La metodología y las fuentes relativas a las exclusiones y al enfoque de integración ASG en su conjunto tienen ciertas limitaciones. La WACI mide la huella de carbono en relación con el índice correspondiente. En caso de que no se disponga de datos sobre las emisiones de carbono de un determinado emisor, el proveedor externo podría facilitar estimaciones empleando sus propias metodologías. Los emisores que no cuenten con datos sobre emisiones de carbono (comunicados o estimados) quedan excluidos del cálculo de la WACI.
Diligencia debida
Los miembros del personal de cumplimiento normativo, gestión de riesgos y auditoría interna de Capital Group realizan evaluaciones periódicas sobre el diseño y la eficacia operativa de las actividades ASG y los controles clave de la empresa.
Políticas de implicación
Entablar un diálogo con las empresas forma parte integrante del servicio de gestión de inversiones que el Asesor de inversiones presta a sus clientes. Esto permite a Capital Group implicarse y entablar un diálogo sobre cualquier cuestión que pueda afectar a las perspectivas a largo plazo de la empresa participada, incluida la exposición a cuestiones de sostenibilidad.
Índice de referencia designado
El Fondo no ha designado un índice de referencia que responda a las características medioambientales y/o sociales que promueve.
The sustainability-related disclosures are meant to be revised as necessary from time to time to capture any changes or reviews. The capitalized terms are used in accordance with the definitions and references outlined in Capital International Fund Prospectus.
Capital International Fund - Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (the “Fund”)
LEI: 549300RYX3TCTOW4M118
The below section “Summary” was prepared in English and is being translated to other official languages of the European Economic Area. In case of any inconsistency(ies) or conflict(s) between the different versions of this section “Summary”, the English language version shall prevail.
No sustainable investment objective
This Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment. CRMC (the “Investment Adviser”) commits to maintain at least 10% of the Fund’s investments in companies that, in the Investment Adviser’s opinion, are addressing social and/or environmental challenges through their current or future products and/or services.
Environmental or social characteristics of the financial products
The Fund promotes the environmental and social characteristics of investing in companies with a Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (WACI) lower than the Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index hedged to USD, and of excluding investments in issuers based on ESG and norms-based criteria.
Investment strategy
The Fund aims to maintain a Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (WACI) for its investments in corporate issuers that is lower than Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index hedged to USD. The WACI is based on GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) divided by the revenue of the investee companies. Should the WACI of the Fund not be lower than the level of the aforementioned index, the Investment Adviser will consider what action is in the best interest of the Fund, its Shareholders and in line with the relevant Fund investment objective to bring the Fund back above the threshold in a reasonable period of time.
The Investment Adviser identifies certain issuers or groups of issuers that it excludes from the portfolio to promote the environmental or social characteristics supported by the Fund. The Investment Adviser evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement exclusions on corporate issuers with respect to certain sectors such as tobacco, fossil fuel and weapons, as well as companies violating the United Nations Global Compact principles (the “Negative Screening Policy”).
The Fund promotes, among other characteristics, environmental and social characteristics, provided that the companies in which investments are made follow good governance practices. Good governance practices are evaluated as part of the Investment Adviser’s ESG integration process. When assessing good governance practices, the Investment Adviser will, as a minimum, have regard to matters it sees relevant to the four prescribed pillars of good governance (i.e., sound management structures, employee relations, remuneration of staff and tax compliance). Such practices are assessed through a monitoring process. Where relevant, fundamental analysis of a range of governance metrics that cover areas such as auditing practices, board composition and executive compensation, among others, is also conducted.
The Fund’s carbon constraint does not apply to the entire portfolio, and will apply only to corporate issuers that have carbon emissions data available (reported or estimated). The Capital Group’s Negative Screening Policy will apply to the entire portfolio, with the exception of cash, cash equivalents and money market funds. Index derivatives that are used for hedging and/or investment purposes will not be assessed on a look–through basis. Therefore, there may be circumstances where the Fund may gain indirect exposure to an issuer involved in the excluded categories (through, including but not limited to, derivatives and instrument that gives exposure to an index). Single-name derivatives will need to be compliant with the Negative Screening Policy. The Investment Adviser will ensure that collateral received is aligned with the policy.
Proportion of investments
The planned asset allocation is monitored continuously and evaluated on a yearly basis. At least 90% of the Fund's investments are aligned with E/S characteristics. A maximum of 10% of the Fund’s investments including investments non-aligned with the E/S characteristics promoted and/or derivatives are in category “#2 Other”. Within the 90%, the Fund will have a minimum proportion of 10% of the portfolio in sustainable investments with an environmental or social objective in economic activities that do not qualify as environmentally sustainable under the EU Taxonomy.
Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics
The sustainability indicators used by this Fund to measure the attainment of each of the environmental or social characteristics it promotes are the following:
The WACI is the metric used to report the Fund’s carbon emissions. It helps show the carbon footprint of the portfolio compared to the index, and is based on Scope 1 and 2 emissions:
The Investment Adviser applies ESG and norms-based exclusions to implement a Negative Screening Policy to the Fund’s investments. The Fund will monitor the adherence of corporate issuers to the criteria set forth in the Negative Screening Policy.
The Fund implements two binding ESG-related criteria: sector- and norms-based screens in the form of exclusions and a carbon footprint target.
Data sources and processing
Exclusions are primarily identified through a third-party provider, MSCI ESG Business Involvement Screening Research (“MSCI ESG”). Other data points include the MSCI United Nations Global Compact violators and MSCI Carbon Footprint Metrics.
Limitations to methodologies and data
The methodology and sources relating to the exclusions and the ESG integration approach as a whole have certain limitations. The carbon footprint is measured by the WACI relative to the relevant index. In the event that reported carbon emissions data is not available for a particular issuer, the third-party provider may provide estimates using their own methodologies. Issuers that do not have any carbon emissions data available (reported or estimated) are excluded from the WACI calculation.
Due diligence
Members of Capital Group's compliance, risk management and internal audit staff conduct periodic assessments on the design and operating effectiveness of the firm’s ESG activities and key controls.
Engagement policies
Establishing dialogue with companies is an integral part of the Investment Adviser’s investment management service to clients. This enables Capital Group to engage and generate dialogue on any issues that could affect the investee company’s long-term prospects, including exposures to sustainability issues.
Designated reference benchmark
The Fund has not designated a reference benchmark to meet the environmental and/or social characteristics it promotes.
This Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics but does not have as its objective sustainable investment. However, the Investment Adviser commits to maintain at least 10% of the Fund’s investments in companies that, in the Investment Adviser’s opinion, are addressing social and/or environmental challenges through their current or future products and/or services. This 10% minimum qualifies as “sustainable investments” under Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector.
Such companies have products and services that are majority-aligned, or transitioning towards higher positive alignment, with any single or combination of sustainable investment themes focused on global social and environmental challenges as identified by the Investment Adviser. These themes map to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). Therefore, investments could be made in companies addressing needs such as but not limited to: (i) energy transition, (ii) health & well-being, (iii) sustainable cities & communities, (iv) responsible consumption, (v) clean water & sanitation, (vi) education & information access, and (vii) financial inclusion.
The sustainable investments that the Fund intends to make are subject to the Investment Adviser’s eligibility process for sustainable investments. Sustainable investments are those whose business activities are majority-aligned or transitioning towards higher positive alignment with any one or a combination of these sustainable investment themes, and that (i) do not significant harm any environmental or social objective (ii) follow good governance practices and (iii) satisfy the Negative Screening Policy.
The sustainable investments that the Fund partially intends to make shall not cause any significant harm to any environmental or social sustainable investment objectives. As such the Investment Adviser considers the mandatory Principle Adverse Impacts (PAIs) as set out in Table 1 of Annex I of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 for corporate investments, as well as other ESG risks and controversies that the Investment Adviser considers potentially material, such as data privacy or censorship issues. Companies deemed by the Investment Adviser to be causing significant harm, based on the PAIs, are not considered sustainable investments.
How have the indicators for adverse impacts on sustainability factors been taken into account?
As mentioned above, the Investment Adviser considers all mandatory PAIs.
The Investment Adviser considers several PAIs within its Negative Screening Policy. In particular, the Negative Screening Policy addresses the Principal Adverse Impact 4 on exposure to companies active in the fossil fuel sector, Principal Adverse Impact 10 on United Nations Global Compact violators and Principal Adverse Impact 14 on controversial weapons.
Beyond the screening process, with respect to the remaining mandatory PAIs:
The Investment Adviser’s assessment will also include an overall qualitative assessment of how ESG risks are being managed.
Where third party data or the Investment Adviser’s assessment indicates that a company is potentially doing significant harm based on a PAI threshold, the Investment Adviser will do additional due diligence to better understand and assess negative impacts indicated by third party or proprietary data. If the Investment Adviser concludes that the company is not causing significant harm based on its analysis, it may proceed with the investment and the rationale for that decision will then be documented. For example, the Investment Adviser may conclude a company is not causing significant harm if (i) the Investment Adviser has reason to believe that third-party data is inaccurate and the Investment Adviser’s own research demonstrates that the company is not causing significant harm; or (ii) the company is taking steps to mitigate or remediate that harm through the adoption of timebound targets and there are meaningful signs of improvement and positive change.
How are the sustainable investments aligned with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights? Details:
The sustainable investments are aligned with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as follows: the Investment Adviser reviews issuers involved in significant ESG controversies, with a focus on those that may conflict with existing global standards, including guidelines from the United Nations Global Compact. In accordance with the Negative Screening Policy applied to the Fund, the Investment Adviser will exclude companies violating the UN Global Compact principles. Although other incidents will not automatically result in exclusion from the Fund, the Investment Adviser ensures that appropriate action to remediate the concerns are taken.
The Fund promotes, among other characteristics, environmental and social characteristics, provided that the companies in which investments are made follow good governance practices.
The binding environmental and/or social characteristics promoted by the Fund are the following:
Carbon constraint: The Fund aims to maintain a Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (WACI) for its investments in corporate issuers that is lower than Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index hedged to USD. The WACI is based on GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) divided by the revenue of the investee companies. Should the WACI of the Fund not be lower than the level of the aforementioned index, the Investment Adviser will consider what action is in the best interest of the Fund, its Shareholders and in line with the relevant Fund investment objective to bring the Fund back above the threshold in a reasonable period of time.
Negative Screening Policy: Through its Negative Screening Policy, the Investment Adviser evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement exclusions on corporate issuers at the time of purchase, with respect to certain sectors such as tobacco, fossil fuel and weapons, as well as companies violating the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
The Investment Adviser applies the following investment strategy to attain the environmental and/or social characteristics promoted:
Carbon constraint. The Investment Adviser aims to manage a carbon footprint lower than the Fund’s selected index level. Therefore, it will aim to manage a carbon footprint (WACI) for its investments in corporate issuers that is lower than the Fund’s selected index level (Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index hedged to USD). Should the WACI of the Fund not be lower than the aforementioned index, the Investment Adviser will consider what action is in the best interest of the Fund, its Shareholders and in line with the relevant Fund investment objective to bring the Fund back above the threshold in a reasonable period of time. The Investment Adviser carries out ongoing monitoring of WACI at the Fund level, and may reduce or eliminate exposures to certain companies as necessary.
The selected index is representative of the investment universe of the Fund. The Investment Adviser assess the portfolio WACI data on an ongoing basis to help the Fund remain within the target level. This allows the Investment Adviser to measure the carbon footprint and carbon intensity of the portfolio compared to the selected index, and to understand the attribution of the emission results. From an investment perspective, carbon footprint analysis can serve as a tool to engage with the investee company and better understand the investee company’s business. In the event that reported carbon emissions data is not available for a particular issuer, the third-party provider may provide estimates using their own methodologies Issuers that do not have any carbon emissions data available (reported or estimated) are excluded from the WACI calculation. It is not the intention of the Investment Adviser to automatically exclude higher carbon emitters on an individual basis as the carbon intensity is monitored at the total portfolio level rather than at the individual holding level.
Negative Screening Policy. The Investment Adviser also evaluates and applies ESG and norms-based screening to implement a Negative Screening Policy relating to the Fund’s investments in corporate issuers, with respect to certain sectors such as tobacco, fossil fuel and weapons, as well as companies violating the principles of the UNGC.
To support this screening on corporate issuers, the Investment Adviser relies on third party provider(s) who identify an issuer’s participation in or the revenue which they derive from activities that are inconsistent with the ESG and norms-based screens. In this way, third party provider data is used to support the application of ESG and norms-based screening by the Investment Adviser. In the event that exclusions cannot be verified through third-party providers or if the Investment Adviser believes that data and/or assessment is incomplete or inaccurate, the Investment Adviser reserves the right to identify business involvement activities through its own assessment (including by using other third-party data sources).
If an eligible corporate issuer held in a Fund subsequently fails a screen, the issuer will not contribute towards the environmental and/or social characteristics of the Fund and will generally be sold within six months from the date of such determination, subject to the best interests of investors in the Fund.
What is the policy to assess good governance practices of the investee companies?
The Investment Adviser ensures that the companies in which investments are made follow good governance practices.
When assessing good governance practices, the Investment Adviser will, as a minimum, have regard to matters it sees relevant to the four prescribed pillars of good governance (i.e., sound management structures, employee relations, remuneration of staff and tax compliance).
As described above, the Investment Adviser applies a Negative Screening Policy to the Fund. As part of this, the Investment Adviser excludes companies that, based on available third-party data, are viewed to be in violation of the principles of the UNGC, which include Principle 10 (anti-corruption) and Principle 3 (employee relations).
In addition, good governance practices are evaluated as part of the Investment Adviser’s ESG integration process. Such practices are assessed through a monitoring process based on available third-party indicators relating to corporate governance and corporate behavior. Third-party data may be inaccurate, incomplete or outdated. Where the corporate governance and corporate behavior indicators cannot be verified through the third-party provider, the Investment Adviser will aim to make such determination through its own assessment based on information that is reasonably available Where relevant, fundamental analysis of a range of governance metrics that cover areas such as auditing practices, board composition and executive compensation, among others, is also conducted. The Investment Adviser also engages in regular dialogue with companies on corporate governance issues and exercises its proxy voting rights for the entities in which the Fund invests.
If a previously eligible company held in a Fund subsequently fails the Investment Adviser’s assessment of good governance practices, the company will generally be sold within six months from the date of such determination, subject to the best interests of investors in the Fund.
Capital Group’s ESG Policy Statement provides additional detail on Capital Group’s ESG philosophy, integration, governance, support and processes, including proxy voting procedures and principles, as well as views on specific ESG issues, including ethical conduct, disclosures and corporate governance. Information on Capital Group’s corporate governance principles can be found in its Proxy Voting Procedures and Principles as well as in the ESG Policy Statement.
Information on Capital Group’s corporate governance principles can be also found in its Proxy Voting Procedures and Principles, available on:
The ESG Policy Statement provides additional detail on Capital Group’s views on specific ESG issues, including ethical conduct, disclosures and corporate governance, available on:
At least 90% of the Fund's investments are in category “#1 Aligned with E/S characteristics” and so are used to attain the environmental or social characteristics promoted by the Fund (being subject to the Investment Adviser’s binding Negative Screening Policy and carbon constraint). A maximum of 10% of the Fund’s investments including investments non-aligned with the E/S characteristics promoted and/or derivatives are in category “#2 Other”.
Within the 90%, the Fund will have a minimum proportion of 10% of the portfolio in sub-category “#1A Sustainable”, being sustainable investments with an environmental or social objective in economic activities that do not qualify as environmentally sustainable under the EU Taxonomy. These are investments that have passed through the Investment Adviser’s sustainable investment assessment. The remainder of the portfolio will be in category “#1B Other E/S characteristics”, being companies that do not pass the Investment Adviser’s assessment of sustainable investment.
Cash and/or cash equivalents are excluded from the asset allocation above. Cash and cash-equivalents may be held for liquidity purposes to support the Fund’s overall investment objective