Tax centre

Notice to the attention of shareholders

The new German Investment Tax Act (InvTA) enters into force on 1 January 2018.

Generally speaking each fund registered for distribution in Germany will seek to obtain “tax transparent status” according to the German Investment Tax Act (InvTA). The list of tax figures that will be made available is given below. The share classes for which figures will be produced are generally:

  • A, B, C, I, Q, X, Z, ZL in EUR and USD and their equivalent distributing share classes (d and gd);
  • The equivalent hedged share classes of B, Q, X, Z and ZL in EUR, GBP, USD and CHF.
  • For A, C and I, only those share classes that are hedged back into EUR.

The tax figures that will be made available are as follows:

Daily figures

  • Equity Gain (Aktiengewinn)
  • Equity Gain 2 (Aktiengewinn 2)
  • Interim Profit (Zwischengewinn)
  • Real Estate Gain (Immobiliengewinn)
  • Accumulated Deemed Distributed Income (Akkumulierter Ausschüttungsgleicher Ertrag)

Annual figures

  • Deemed Distributed Income (Ausschüttungsgleiche Erträge) and Distributed Income (Ausgeschüttete Erträge)

The daily tax figures will be published on, whereas the certified annual figures will be published on

The information contained on this page does not constitute investment or tax advice and does not purport to deal with all of the tax consequences applicable to the funds or to all categories of investors, some of whom may be subject to special rules. Shareholders and potential investors are advised to consult their professional advisors concerning possible taxation or other consequences of purchasing, holding, selling, converting or otherwise disposing of the Shares under the laws of their country of incorporation, establishment, residence, or domicile, and in the light of their particular circumstances.