On Presidents Day, the New York Stock Exchange and Capital Group’s U.S. offices will be closed.

In observance of the Presidents Day federal holiday, the New York Stock Exchange and Capital Group’s U.S. offices will be closed on Monday, February 17.

*loremipsum* Author the Primary Topic value here

Cache test check


  • Change after cache clearing solutions.
  • Lorem Ipsum bullet two
  • Lorem Ipsum bullet number three 

*loremipsum* Text-atom - This is paragraph text. Use this if the page has a table of contents. Otherwise, delete it.

  1. Item number one
  2. Item number two
  3. Item number three

h2 - Heading for a section of content should be h2 *loremipsum*

*loremipsum* Text-atom - This is paragraph text. This is a hyperlink with a variable. Even as the global economic outlook weakens, powerful tailwinds are forming behind certain areas of the equity markets that previously spent many years in the wilderness.


*loremipsum* Text-atom - This is paragraph text. Even as the global economic outlook weakens, powerful tailwinds are forming behind certain areas of the equity markets that previously spent many years in the wilderness.

h2 - Heading for a section of content referencing a person's name *loremipsum*

Person, role

*Loremipsum* Table of contents copy. The items in the list should link to ID of an H2 text atom lower on this page.

  1. Item number one
  2. Item number two
  3. Item number three


H3. Copy + Chart title field. *loremipsum*

Alt text: lorem ipsum fpo chart
Sources: Capital Group, J.P. Morgan, MSCI, Refinitiv Datastream, Standard & Poor's. Relative returns and change in the USD index are measured on a cumulative total return basis in USD. The U.S. dollar index reflects J.P. Morgan's USD Real Broad Effective

*loremipsum* This is paragraph text. Even as the global economic outlook weakens, powerful tailwinds are forming behind certain areas of the equity markets that previously spent many years in the wilderness.


*loremipsum* This is paragraph text. Even as the global economic outlook weakens, powerful tailwinds are forming behind certain areas of the equity markets that previously spent many years in the wilderness.

Promo - Headline field *loremipsum*

Description field *loremipsum*

*loremipsum* This is paragraph text. Even as the global economic outlook weakens, powerful tailwinds are forming behind certain areas of the equity markets that previously spent many years in the wilderness.


*loremipsum* This is paragraph text. Even as the global economic outlook weakens, powerful tailwinds are forming behind certain areas of the equity markets that previously spent many years in the wilderness.


Promo - Headline field *loremipsum*

Description field *loremipsum*

Promo - Headline field *loremipsum*

Description field *loremipsum*


Promo - Headline field *loremipsum*

Description field *loremipsum*

*Loremipsum* Text Atom - Used for authoring content disclosures not via DIG.

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